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In Plain Speak:



33 V.S.A. §3504. Amended to exclude commissioned stewards


23 V.S.A. §1134. (Motor Vehicles)- all existing laws from 2018 legalization on the books.


18 V.S.A. §4201. “Marijuana” changed to “Cannabis” and in all other locations.


6 V.S.A. §171. Amended to include §171(a) Any proposed grades and standards changes in any of the commodities not classified as hemp and included in 26 V.S.A. §5402 will be made by the Independent Stewardship Board along with the Agency of Agriculture.


6 V.S.A. §176. Amended to include §176(a) The Independent Stewardship Board will be advised on any inspections enforced by the Agency of Agriculture and may work with Agency of Agriculture to store records of inspection that will be maintained within the Stewardship database.


6 V.S.A. §251. Amended to:

(1) “Agricultural commodity” means any agricultural commodity including: apples, horticultural crops, fruits and vegetables, poultry, maple syrup, Christmas trees, Livestock, honey, and cannabis, either in their natural state or as a processed by the producer. The term does not include milk or timber products other than Christmas trees.

It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont: Sec. 1. 13 V.S.A. § 7602 is amended to read:


This is recycled from previous sessions and handles expungement and sealing of cannabis convictions. 

Last Subchapter

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